BOSS Day at Cumberland School

“BOSS Day motivated me to work harder at school, because finding a job is hard and getting good GCSEs will make it easier”.

Our BOSS Day (Building Opportunities and Skills Seminar), provides young people with an insight into the competitive labour market and prepares them for future job application processes. Trained volunteers and professional actors equip students with the skills they need when entering the world of work.
On 24 November 2017, 15billion-epb organised BOSS (Building Opportunities and Skills Seminars) Day at Cumberland School.

[The most useful part for me was] learning how to be professional at work and how to get along with colleagues. We are all going to go to work one day, so these skills are important.

Cumberland School

The challenge

The programme comprised three seminars led by professional business volunteers and three short performances by a local drama group called Actorshop. The day focused on employability skills, CV writing, what to expect in an interview and getting ready for life in the workplace.

Over 300 students got the opportunity to work alongside 25 business volunteers from different organisations. These professionals ranged from self-employed graphic designers to corporate bankers, technology apprentices to women in construction.


I now understand how to make a good first impression, which is useful, because interviewers start assessing you right from the start.

Cumberland School

The impact (social/cost savings/personal)

The percentage of students who strongly agreed with the statement ‘I understand what skills and qualities employers look for in young people’ increased significantly from 23.39% before BOSS Day to 65.96% afterwards. What’s more, 98% of students rated the event ‘good’ or ‘very good’ overall.

The day was extremely well organised and ran smoothly. Thank you so much Lauren for planning such a great day for our pupils. This is definitely something that Cumberland School will continue to run every year.

Lead contact
Cumberland School